Danny Yoon Appointed as Advisor to Laplace Partners Inc.

In July 2023, Danny Yoon of SEUM IP was appointed as an advisor to the investment company Laplace Partners Inc. 

Laplace Partners Inc. specializes in investing in technology startups and aims to share the fruits of high growth with shareholders, investors, and employees. In line with the investors' views of the future which have changed since the pandemic, Laplace Partners Inc. believes that solutions lie in the core technologies of biotech and IT and is leading new changes by discovering, investing in, and nurturing startups with high technology in those fields.

Danny Yoon of SEUM IP handles patent matters related to computer software, mobile services, robots, medical devices, and business models, as well as trademark matters related to fashion, entertainment, and mobile services. In addition, he has extensive experience in matters requiring negotiation, including patent purchases and sales and trademark purchases. In the future, as an advisor, he will attend and advise the investment review committee and provide advice on industry trends, founder reference calls, technologies, markets, finance, intellectual property, future prospects, investment value, and many other topics.