SEUM IP Designated as an Industrial Property Diagnostic Organization by the Korean Intellectual Property Office

SEUM IP has been designated as an industrial property diagnostic organization by the Korean Intellectual Property Office. In accordance with Article 36, Paragraph 1 of the Invention Promotion Act, an industrial property diagnostic organization is designated by the KIPO as an organization that specializes in industrial property diagnosis to enhance the ability of universities, companies, research institutes, etc. to manage industrial property rights and prevent duplicate investment in R&D.

Institutions that have specialized personnel with career requirements for each diagnostic field and an infrastructure and security system for investigating and analyzing IP information can be designated in the following four technical fields: electrical/electronic/mechanical/metal/chemical/life/information and communication.

SEUM IP has been selected as an industrial property rights diagnostic organization in two fields: electrical and electronic and information and communication. SMEs can receive a tax credit (minimum 25%) for expenses incurred by receiving patent investigation and analysis services from an organization designated as an industrial property rights diagnostic organization.

SEUM IP is an industrial property rights diagnostic organization that strives to protect the intellectual property rights of companies, and will continue to provide optimized IP advice for various innovative technologies of our clients.